The newest release of SAP Business One, Version 8.8, is now in the final stages of the roll out cycle- what we at SAP call Ramp Up.

This is where we put the product in the hands of existing customers who upgrade from a previous version of Business One, such as the 2007 release or 2005 as well as inviting new customers who have decided to select SAP Business One to run their business to start from this version.

The Ramp Up process help us iron out the last few kinks in the solution and have it ready for “prime time” so that when the rest of our more than 25 000 customers decide that they are ready to step up to this release, we can deliver an outstanding experience for them.

And an outstanding experience is what you can expect with this latest release. Our development team have gone all out to deliver a new user experience with an enhanced user interface, updated integration to Crystal Reports, enhanced supportability and lower Total Cost of Ownership with the Remote Support Platform, Upgrade Wizard and the Accelerated Implementation Program.

Plus for our Software Solution Partners that develop complimentary solutions for SAP Business One, the SDK has been enhanced with additional objects and the Solution Packager has been refined to allow for an even smoother deployment process.

So what do you need to do to get ready for Version 8.8?

As an existing customer, ensure that you are current on your software maintenance and speak with your SAP Partner about booking in your upgrade…there’s some steps you can take now to prepare for the “technical upgrade” – this is the actual data conversion to the new 8.8 format so ask your partner about this.

By the way, we have even put together a Rapid Upgrade Process as well to help you make to move as quickly and seamlessly as possible so speak to your partner to learn more about the approach.

If you are considering an SAP Business One solution, ask your partner sales executive what you need to do to ensure that you can go live with Version 8.8 and take advantage of the new features and functionality in the solution.

And if you are looking to streamline your business operations or replace your existing business management software and you havent considered SAP Business One as a potential solution, but you would like to know more about it, contact me via email – and I’ll be more than happy to talk with you about why you should and I’ll get the right people in touch to help you evaluate an SAP Business One solution.