Is your Cloud ERP solution locking you in with the threat of being locked out? The right application architecture solves that issue.

One of the big concerns that people have expressed around moving to a Cloud based ERP solution is the threat of having their data held to ransom by their vendor for what ever reason or at the bare minimum, not having the choice to move to an alternate deployment model. Just as a businesses strategy [...]

The case for providing a human face to a company – Evangelists in Tech and Non Tech Companies for those of you that already know me and know that for the last 7 years at SAP I was known as a product evangelist, this is not going to be a post justifying my existence...what I do want to do though is explain how important this role can be in any organisation, not [...]

By |2016-11-01T02:05:59+11:00March 30th, 2014|Best Practices, Cloud ERP, Customer, Management, Marketing, Opinion|0 Comments

The value of proximity to the problem – why executives need to stay hands on

If you have been in any large corporation for a while, you can sometimes see what I think is a disturbing trend that as people are promoted through an organisation as leaders, the teams that they lead stay close to the ground level and the customers or partners that they serve but organisational constraints or [...]

By |2016-11-01T02:06:40+11:00March 5th, 2014|Best Practices, Customer, Management, Opinion|0 Comments

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