The Easy Way or The Hard Way - Alignment Selling is the easy way

The Easy Way or The Hard Way – Alignment Selling is the easy way

I want to start with a definition of what selling is – I cant take credit for it but for the life of me I can’t remember where I first heard it but it has stuck with me for years since I first heard it.

And that is this – selling is professionally helping someone to buy you product or service….but I like to add an additional line to that….which they need or will solve a problem that they have.

And that’s the basis for everything I am going to cover in this post…I am assuming that you are in a field where you are selling a product or service that your customer needs or that will solve a problem that they have…be it a known problem or an as yet unidentified problem.

I am not in the business of selling things people don’t really need…for that there are lots of “techniques” and sales methodologies that you can apply – I want to talk about the process of professionally helping your customer to solve a problem or meet a need and that is what makes the process of Alignment Selling so simple to use and easy to understand.

Alignment Selling is about a common sense approach based on understanding how the buying process works and making sure that you are aligned to that process.

If  you understand how your customer buys (in fact how anyone buys anything) then you’ll understand what you need to do to help them purchase your product or service.

We’ll get in to the specific details in my next post.