What is a Complementary Solution for Acumatica and how do you build one?

Acumatica is a true web application so all new functionality consists of a set of pages with the associated business logic and data which we refer to as an add-on from a technical perspective but as a complementary solution from a naming perspective because the purpose of this code is to complement the core Acumatica application. So [...]

The 4xP Platform and the importance of Partners in any successful ERP venture

It seems that everyone has an idea on what it takes to be successful these days with cloud, cloud technologies and ERP software. My area of expertise (after 25+ years) is working with small and midsize businesses, Enterprise Resource Planning software (or business management or accounting software, if you prefer) and working both as a [...]

By |2016-11-01T02:07:42+11:00February 17th, 2014|Development, ERP, Opinion, Partner Enablement, Sales|1 Comment

Performance Impacting Mistake No 3: Formatted Search Proliferation

The third most common issue I have encountered when diagnosing performance issues relates to a very powerful feature of SAP Business One and that is the ability to use formatted searches in Business One to performance data manipulations and calculations based on data values retrieved via SQL Server or displayed on an SAP Business One screen. Often [...]

The SAP Business One product strategy – a word (or two) about AddOns

The SAP Business One strategy has always been about providing a core application with a broad functional scope  and allowing the development of additional solutions that extend the functionality to meet a specific customer need or a specific industry requirement. When you ae building a volume product, this makes sense in my humble [...]

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